Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Regular Sunday...

Regular blah of a Sunday, woke up and then tried to assert control of this body when I made to the bathroom. I was not going to let it get ready, but it pushed back. I stood there in front of the mirror looking like I was putting all of my effort in not moving. My arms felt like they were on fire, and eventually the body won that battle forcing the hands to work to putting on my makeup and such. In between the forced expressions, there was a dirty look on my face directed back at my body as if it could see how displeased I was with it.

After it was all done and things were put away, I walked over to my bed with a pout and crossed my arms not pleased that it seemed to keep winning every round. Part of me wanted to throw something but I refrained and just sat there looking at myself in the mirror. This is exactly why I do not want to even try something like sex, I am sure the body would get to have its fun. I would be forced along with tasks that I do not even really want to do.

After being in a pout for ten minutes, I went downstairs and had breakfast with Sarah and then went shopping for stuff. Electronics had been the love of my past. So I bought a new phone and shopped around for some other things. I had to play the dodge men game since I knew how this body would react. Do you know how hard it is to find purely female representatives in a electronics store? Let me tell you, it is difficult.

So after shopping and stuff, I came home and had dinner with Sarah. I did not learn anything new but she had remarked that she liked whatever change had come over me. So it seems there is still me in here. But that just got me wondering, what was Carolyn like in her day to day life?

- Carolyn

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